Why Us?

A couple of years ago a friend started building in Alkimos. We discussed his change of living arrangements and he made comment about the pain of “starting over again”. Starting over meaning, finding all those new local amenities, gardener, handy man, electrician, plumber, cafes, and schools, sporting clubs, car servicing and local shopping hubs.

The idea of a local directory sprung to mind, a true and proper local directory, and a directory which only has those businesses in the local council area.

Looking at many similar type directories greatly disappointed us, as they include businesses far and wide.

Further thinking added more local components, like, local sporting clubs, community news and updates even council news and information.

Linking all local council information makes this a true one stop site for all things local.

Additional Links that could be included:

  • Arts & culture
  • Environment – including waste & recycling.
  • Local elections
  • Transport and parking

This site isn’t so much a B2B site, it’s a site for residents to find ALL local business needs and community services, including “what day is bin day”

Also planned is incorporating the site into an app for ease of use, especially for the younger demographic and those “on the go”

Future sites or links to other areas of growth within the City will be considered in future.

Other future growth opportunities:

  • Business reviews and feedback
  • SME business get together, coffee mornings.
  • Comparison link for services in the local area
  • Banner advertising (all local)
  • B2B to source local suppliers

The directory name is “MY Business Finder” with a focus on the M & Y (Mindarie to Yanchep/Two Rocks). Bordered by the ocean to the West, the freeway to the East. This north ward corridor (now with areas of northeast ward and central west ward) is the fastest growing area within the City of Wanneroo. Having a truly dedicated site to this geographically area will promote growth of small business and a feeling of community by being truly a local directory for residents and businesses in the Mindarie to Yanchep corridor

Some MY Business Finder Facts:

  • MY business finder  was founded in 2019 to help people find great local businesses like dentists, hair dressers, and every day tradies from Mindarie to Yanchep
  • We forecast a monthly average of 10,000 unique visitors by June 2022. With that figure to triple once our app in introduced in quarter 4 of 2022.
  • We will  have written more than 120,000 reviews by the end of Q1 2023
  • In addition to reviews, you can use MY business finder to find events, lists and to talk with other users.
  • Every business owner (or manager) can setup a free account to post photos and message their customers.
  • We makes money by selling ads to local businesses – you’ll see these clearly labelled “MYAds” around the site.
  • Paying advertisers can never change or re-order their reviews.
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